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Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd - Paper mill company supporting and nurturing the “Town of Washi” 「和紙の里を支え、育む鹿敷製紙」

高知大学講師 田中求 Kochi University Lecturer TANAKA Motomu

Kochi prefecture is blessed with raw materials used in washi practices, such as kozo (paper mulberry) and mitsumata and has produced various types of washi. These raw materials were nurtured under abundant rain and sunshine, clear water and air, and well-drained slope surfaces. Around Niyodo river where Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd is located, there is a “town of washi” where people make their living by producing paper or papermaking tools, harvesting or processing raw materials.

During the old times, paper mill companies and raw material farms coexisted together, but now most regions import their materials. There is no other place like Niyodo river area where harvesting sites and paper mill companies coexist on a large scale. Out of many papermills in this region, I believe Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd is the best company that has valued using local materials.

写真:山の斜面の作物を刈り取った後の様子 写真:山間に民家と農地が段々に連なった集落

In Kochi prefecture, the decline in raw material harvesting happened during post-war period when farmers changed their crops to tea, fruits and/or afforestation. The typhoon in 1975 that affected the area also made farmers move away from raw material harvesting. Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd is one of the few companies that utilizes local materials made in Kochi prefecture. Most companies in Japan have increased their dependency on importing the materials.

Paper made in Japan are called “washi” whereas imported paper is called “yo-shi (Western paper)”. There are various types of “paper” made in different areas of Japan, where materials, tools and techniques differ depending on its usage. The definition of “washi” is still vague, and it is not easy to explain them in simple words. Types of washi are changing overtime along with new techniques, materials and usages.

写真:収穫された三椏の束。白いつぼみがたくさんついている 写真:楮を蒸して剥いだ後乾燥させている様子

We may categorize in detail what “yo-shi” and “washi” are by looking at their production method. The easiest way to distinguish them is by understanding where/who/what materials are used to produce paper. Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd puts importance on relationships with raw material farmers, processors, producers, and dealers in their region. They have also passed down its technologies nurtured in Niyodo river area and developed new ones overtime.

I believe that the relationship between people, community and nature along with many background stories and hopes have contributed to the production of washi at Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd. I feel the genuine hearts of farmers, who have produced kozo and mitsumata for many generations, processors of raw materials, distributors and sales. Their thoughts are embodied into the washi.


The company may face various obstacles while meeting expectations of local people and responding to the voices of domestic and overseas users who request for a trusting quality with assured materials and techniques. Nevertheless, it is the company’s responsibility to hear those voices. The company is located near the beautiful Niyodo river where weather and nature are suitable for washi production, and where the area has the largest raw material harvesting site.

I sincerely hope for the continuous growth of Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd and that the town, rivers and mountains near the Niyodo river area continue to coexist and for this coexistence to be passed down for many generations.